Terra Santa Edizioni

Franciscan Printing Press

Ceramica del tempo di Gesù - Stanislao Loffreda

Ceramica del tempo di Gesù

Vasi della Terra Santa nel periodo romano antico 63 a.C.-70 d.C.

Il libro illustra la ceramica comune della Terra Santa nel periodo romano antico (63 a.C.-70 d.C.).

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 120
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2000
ISBN: 9655160076

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Museum

Illustrated book   34,00 €Out of stock
Les frères mineurs et l’église grecque orthodoxe au XIII siècle (1231-1275) - Martiniano Roncaglia

Dans cette étude nous nous sommes proposés un essai de synthèse intéressant l’action des Franciscains pour le rapprochement d’abord, l’union ensuite des Eglises grecque et latine.

Language: French
Number of pages: 285
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1954

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Bio-bibliographical Library of the Holy Land and of the Franciscan Orient

Book   30,00 €  28,50 €Not available
Ricerche archeologiche al Monte degli Ulivi - Virgilio Canio Corbo

A quasi dieci anni di distanza dallo scavo della Grotta del Getsemani, e a sei da quello dell’Ascensione, l'Autore ne pubblica i risultati in una monografia che abbraccia tutte le ricerche da me effettuate sul monte degli Ulivi

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 167
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1965 (ristampa 2004)
ISBN: 9655160629

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior

Le Vatican et le problème des Lieux Saints - Jean-Dominique Montoisy

Périodiquement, mais irrégulièrement, le problème des Lieux Saints revient à l’actualité, soit directement, soit à l’occasion d’évènements connexes, mais l’essentiel n’est-il pas qu’il ne soit définitivement enterré?

Language: French
Number of pages: 179
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1984

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Book   28,00 €  26,60 €Soon available
Ottoman Navy - Marcel Roubiçek

Due to the fact that no book or any other type of publication dedicated to the history of the Ottoman Navy appeared for many years on the book market, the author, although a military and no naval historian, undertook the task of presenting the interested reader with the rather small and, due to circumstances, limited treatise, thus closing, with his fourth book, his series on martial history of the Middle East published at the Franciscan Printing Press in Jerusalem.

Language: English
Number of pages: 28
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1980

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Book   12,00 €  11,40 €Out of stock
Modern Ottoman Troops, 1797-1915 - Marcel Roubiçek

This album of carefully chosen contemporary pictures shows the most picturesque aspects of the so called “New Model Army” of the Ottomans, appealing thus to the sense for the beautiful extant in every true connoisseur no matter how deeply interested or not in military things he might be. The Editor does not pretend to present this volume as something of a “non plus ultra” type, but hopes that it might serve as a starter to either a larger collection or their own research just as did the earlier two Franciscan Printing Press publications of Militaria.

Language: English
Number of pages: 72
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1978

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Illustrated book   15,00 €  14,25 €Out of stock
The house of Saint Peter at Capharnaum - Virgilio Canio Corbo

The house of Saint Peter at Capharnaum

A preliminary report of the first two campaigns of excavations

Language: English
Number of pages: 75
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1972

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Illustrated book   20,00 €  19,00 €Out of stock
Cafarnao - Stanislao Loffreda


La città di Gesù

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 72
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1981

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Illustrated book   8,00 €  7,60 €Out of stock
La caverna dei tesori - Bellarmino Bagatti, Antonio Battista

La caverna dei tesori

Testo arabo con traduzione italiana e commento

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 136
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1979

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Illustrated book   30,00 €Out of stock
Santa Caterina d’Alessandria - Emilio Giamberardini

Uno studio originale e singolarmente documentato su s.Caterina d'Alessandria: un piccolo capolavoro agiografico.

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 45
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1978

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Illustrated book   8,00 €  7,60 €Not available
Lettera ai Galati - Alfio Marcello Buscemi

Questo Commento esegetico alla Lettera ai Galati offre al lettore un'accurata interpretazione del testo servendosi sia del metodo storico critico che degli studi di struttura letteraria e di analisi retorica e intende mettere in evidenza il pathos paolino nell'esprimere la sua convinzione di fede e la ricchezza del vangelo che egli predica.

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 691
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2004
ISBN: 9655160637

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Analecta

Book   59,00 €Soon available
Le Judaïsme - Frédéric Manns

Le Judaïsme

Milieu et Mémoire du Nouveau Testament

Reconstituer l’environnement de l’enseignement de Jésus et des évangélistes, telle est l’entreprise tentée dans cet ouvrage de Frédéric Manns. 

Language: French
Number of pages: 263
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2001
ISBN: 9655160300

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Analecta

La preghiera di Elia in Giacomo 5,17-18 - Giovanni Claudio Bottini

La preghiera di Elia in Giacomo 5,17-18

Studio della tradizione biblica e giudaica

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 105
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1981

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Analecta

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 304
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2008
ISBN: 9789655160680

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Monographiae

Cafarnao V - Stanislao Loffreda

Cafarnao V

Documentazione fotografica degli scavi (1968-2003)

La documentazione fotografica relativa alle 23 campagne di scavo condotte a Cafarnao dal 1968 al 2003

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 246
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2005
ISBN: 9655160696

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior

Grammatica Intellectio Scripturae - Rosario Pierri

Grammatica Intellectio Scripturae

Saggi Filologici di Greco biblico

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 386
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2006
ISBN: 9655160718

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Analecta

Il Ristabilimento del Patriarcato latino di Gerusalemme e la Custodia di Terra Santa - Paolo Pieraccini

Il Ristabilimento del Patriarcato latino di Gerusalemme e la Custodia di Terra Santa

La dialettica istituzionale al tempo del primo patriarca Mons. Giuseppe Verga (1847-1872)

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 692
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2006
ISBN: 9789655160710

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Monographiae

Book   50,00 €  47,50 €Not available
Beato Salvatore Lilli - Cristoforo Alvi

Beato Salvatore Lilli

Nel cuore della tragedia. Sangue versato in Armenia

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 60
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2006

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Lettura di Marco - Nello Casalini

Lettura di Marco

Narrativa, esegetica, teologica

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 382
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2005
ISBN: 2483100003986

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Analecta

Book   27,00 €  25,65 €Soon available
Introduzione a Marco - Nello Casalini

Per comprendere al meglio questo mirabile testo.

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 304
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2005
ISBN: 9789655160680

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Analecta

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