Terra Santa Edizioni
The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997 - Eugenio Alliata, Michele Piccirillo

The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997

Travelling through the
Byzantine Umayyad Period

The Madaba Mosaic Map is a unique piece of art realised in 6th cent. A.D. as a decoration for the pavement of a church in the town of Madaba (Jordan) in the Byzantine Near East.

Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Amman, 7-9 April 1997. The Madaba Mosaic Map is a unique piece of art realised in 6th cent. A.D. as a decoration for the pavement of a church in the town of Madaba (Jordan) in the Byzantine Near East. At that time Madaba was part of the so called Provincia Arabia, and was inhabited by Aramaic speaking Christians descendant from the ancient biblical people of the Moabites. The mosaic was discovered accidentally about one hundred years ago (in 1897) while constructing a new church for the Greek-Orthodox Arab community, which was then settling on the very ruins of the ancient town of Madaba.
The mosaic represents the biblical land from Egypt to Lebanon, including Sinai, Israel, Palestine, and Transjordan.
The mosaicist conceived and carried out his masterwork with great topographical skill and biblical knowledge. The Madaba Mosaic map is deemed by some scholars to be the best topographic representation ever done before modern cartography. As a source of biblical topography the map is fully comparable with the well-known treatise on the biblical places written in Greek about 395 A.D. by the historian Eusebius of Caesarea and translated into Latin by Jerome about 490 A.D.

Lingua: Inglese
Numero pagine: 278
Formato: Libro illustrato
Anno di pubblicazione: 1998

Editore: Franciscan Printing Press
Collana: Collectio maior


Eugenio Alliata (Bolzano Novarese, 1949) appartiene alla provincia francescana di S. Bonaventura, Piemonte. è laureato in teologia (SBF, 1982) e in Archeologia Cristiana (presso il Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, 1985, dove ha conseguito anche il dottorato). Dal 1986 è professore di archeologia paleocristiana allo Studio e dal 2002 è segretario per le pubblicazioni di quest'ultimo.

Michele Piccirillo (Casanova di Cerinola, 1944 - Livorno 2008), ofm, licenziato in Teologia presso l'"Ateneo Antonianum" di Bologna e in Sacra Scrittura presso il Pontificio Istituto Biblico di Roma. Si è laureato in Archeologia presso l'Università La Sapienza di Roma ed è stato Direttore del Museo dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Dal 1973 ha diretto i lavori di scavo e di restauro del Memoriale di Mosè sul Monte Nebo in Giordania.

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