Terra Santa Edizioni
Basilica of Santo Stefano - Beatrice Borghi

Basilica of Santo Stefano

Bologna. The official guidebook

This book is useful for the visit and to further explore the historical-artistic and devotional aspects of a place that is a symbol of Bologna. Preface by Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna.

The “Seven Churches” is the name given by popular tradition to the Bolognese complex of Santo Stefano, which has been awarded the title of Sancta Hierusalem, the origins of which are lost in the mists of time. This group of buildings is one of the most complete reproductions existing of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and has taken on extraordinary religious importance over its history spanning more than a thousand years.

This richly illustrated guidebook accompanies the visitor through the history and the artistic wonders of the complex, trying to render the richness of its invaluable heritage: churches, chapels, paintings, sculptures and objects in silver and gold: a real “treasure” that every year attracts thousands of visitors and pilgrims.

This book is useful for the visit and to further explore the historical-artistic and devotional aspects of a place that is a symbol of Bologna. Preface by Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna.

Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9791254710548

Publisher: TS Edizioni


Beatrice Borghi è ricercatrice e docente di Storia medievale presso l’Università di Bologna.I suoi interessi e i suoi studi vanno dal tema del pellegrinaggio e delle sue manifestazioninelle tre grandi religioni monoteiste a quello delle reliquie e dei relativi santuari nell’areaeuromediterranea, a partire dai modelli gerosolimitani. Nel campo della didattica si occupadi metodi, strategie e strumenti per l’insegnamento della storia e dell’educazione al patrimonio.Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Come a Gerusalemme. Reliquie, oggetti sacri e devozionenella Bologna medievale (2022); Bologna. Tra portici, torri e canali (con R. Dondarini, 2021);Il Mediterraneo di Anselmo Adorno. Una testimonianza di pellegrinaggio del tardo Medioevo(2019); Tra cielo e terra. Re e santi nell’Occidente medievale (2016); San Domenico. Un patrimoniosecolare di arte, fede e cultura (2012). È considerata la più autorevole esperta delcomplesso stefaniano.

See also
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